Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~~~SeConD LiFe~~~

today I'm going to talk about something what is not that popular but something nice........anD thaT is seconD lifE( aka SL).....thE virtuaL worlD........
i don't know y....but i was addicted to it once.......that was may be bcz I'm li'l bit shy......and got a world where i can say anything to anyone without having any problem as i dnt knw them and they are not in front of me in RL (real life)...............but still some of my sl frnds think that I'm shy even in sl......may be they have a different definition of shyness.......but its a world whr we can do all that we cant do in RL ..........i like it more bcz i can even FLY in this world.....yeah there r some place where flying is not allowed ;-)......yeah it looks awkward whn playing it for the first time......but it's really fun...............will write more abt it some another time~~~~and about some experiences of my SL...........

thank you...........

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