Hey friends,
Today I'm in a different mood...... something that's not actually my kind of topic...... or it is......i don't know..... actually i have written some posts on love that were just only "stories"..... but today I'm going to write a story that's a part of my own "complicated" life.........actually it's not that complicated as i'm saying all the time.....but it's fun for me to say so...... :p
If I start from the first year of my life, then i dont remember who was my first crush......but yeah....when i was 3 years old, i had a friend.Her name was neena......i always went to her home to play with her and her brother..... but after some months when i went there, there was no home at that place...... and i came to know that the girl with whom i was playing was just an imagination of my mind......... even her house was my imagination.......... strange!!
That was just a part of my life when i was just a kid....... but as we have studied that after some ages of life, some changes in our hormones take place...... and many new experiences occurs in our life......n one of them is attraction towards opposite gender. And as I'm also a a human(if m not an alien) i had also experienced it......... ♥ :p
hmm......after passing 12 boring years of my life, i fell in love for the first time.......with "MATHS"........n then i came to know some hilarious truths and facts of maths......so i dumped maths ..........then........ something that's a li'l odd for me to speak-out......hmm.......but as i'm writing everything then i should not hesitate in writing this too.......
actually after 10th standard, there were some noticeable changes in my life.....i.e. before i came to higher secondary(11-12th standard) i was a guy who never wanted to mix up friends or who never had fun with friends. But when i came to higher secondary, i decided to mix up with more friends and with all my classmates. And yes, i did start doing fun things(masti) with my friends. But just friends were the limit and i didn't get success to get mixed up with whole the class.I was still a shy guy for other classmates who were not my close friends........
In 11th standard, i saw some new faces....... some new teachers and some new students.... those students were new to my school....... and one face from those new faces was her......."my first crush", who was neither a subject nor an imagination but a real human girl. It was for the first time when a girl's smile had attracted me and that also on her very first day in my school. There were two features of her that i liked the most....."1) Her smile" & "2)Her eyes" ........ her eyes were like magnet and mine were like iron (lol)......I always had liked to see her secretly....... and the best thing that I noticed was, she was sneezing like me........ actually my friend noticed that and he used to tease me that i was sneezing like her........
Her smile had taken my breathe for many times whenever her eyes met mine accidently....... and i could never make guts to give her smile......... may be i was afraid that it will look bad and make my wrong impression on her or something like that....i don't actually remember why i was not able to smile at her...... even i never ever talked with her in those last two years of my school....... i remember once on my birthday when i was giving chocolates to all my classmates and they were wishing me for my birthday........ she also wished me..... but i couldn't utter a single word to say thanks to her..........
After-all she was my first crush......... i know it happens to all and was not a new thing....... but it was a first experience for me...... and that was really a sensational experience...... that i never can forget..... after 12th standard, i never met her or never had seen her till the time I'm writing this....... never even got any info about her........ But it's life....... and everything happens in life......
So, it was the story of my first crush...... hope you liked it....... :)