In many websites and social sites and in some slam books.....i have seen one part like this:"worst day of your life".....and i always leave that place blank........because i had never seen that bad day in my life....never.....even i was amazed that how can that type of day could be.......but i never thought that i would also have to face that type of day.........and yes.....today i faced one......it was worst for me till today........before today....the worst day was that one when i had to get admitted in hospital on my birthday....huh.....but today i experienced a new (bad) thing.....and that was....ghrrr.....police hitted me with his stick....actually he was trying to hit to the one who was driving the bike...but he missed.......ohh.....never dreamed that it will ever happen to me........so....cant write any more with my broken hand....so bye bye.....
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